Friday, August 6, 2010

Fifth Day - Kristen O

since everyone else has done a more than sufficient job with play by play action at the mission, i'll just fill you in on my personal condition.  mentally - happier every day -- i seem to see less of what these people don't have, and more of what they do.  physically - my feet have never looked worse, but i'm thoroughly excited for them to turn into natural moccasins, i have "scabbies" (kruse) on my ankles, and i drank so much white grape juice so fast today when we got in that i have no room for my malaria pill.  if i come down with it, hopefully it gives me a cool scar somewhere. wishful thinking. ok. byeeeeee.


  1. well thank you for the update, kristennnnnn!!!! i hope you're taking lots of pictures!! we love you :) ps: maggie sends lots and LOTS of slobbery kisses :)

  2. chris shelley and maggie! thank you for following... tomorrow we leave for port au prince.. sad. :( this community has been so welcoming. but i'm sure we will be back! see you soon! love you!
